What Makes May the Busiest time for Chick Season?

Published On: June 8, 2021Categories: Chicks, Eggs, Transportation

May is the busiest time during MacFarlane Pheasants’ chick season. Why, you might ask? Our customers are preparing for the fall season to either release birds into the wild or prepare for the upcoming hunting season. Chicks born in May reach full maturity in late August and September, making it the perfect time to release them.

MacFarlane Pheasants also raises approximately 300,000 chicks to maturity each year. Once mature, the birds are sold to customers around the United States who raise them as a hobby or release them at their hunt clubs. Deliveries begin in late August and continue through March.

May is also the time of year for our French and Hungarian eggs to be flown in from France. The hatchery staff is busy traying these eggs and preparing for the upcoming chick shipments. It is an exciting time for our entire team. Be sure to take a look at our blog to learn about our French and Hungarian partridges. They are very popular at many hunt clubs!

During an average shipping week in May, we hatch approximately 95,000 pheasant chicks and around 7,000 partridge chicks (not including the French and Hungarian Partridges). To put that in perspective, in April our average hatch is around 65,000 pheasants and 5,000 partridges. May is the peak season for our hatches and marks the middle of the season.

If you are looking to order your chicks for May 2022, be sure to add yourself to our email list to insure you get our email notification when that season is open.

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