The Kansas Ringneck Pheasants Are Growing Strong at MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc.

Published On: July 7, 2020Categories: Kansas Ringneck Pheasant, Mature Birds

The Kansas Ringneck breed, raised at MacFarlane Pheasants, is more popular each year. MacFarlane Pheasants increased the production of this beautiful bird by 30,000 birds in 2020.  This year we are raising around 70,000 of these lightweight and flighty birds.

We raise Kansas in separate pens so the catching crew can quickly locate them for deliveries. A bouquet of Kansas Ringneck Pheasants is a sight to see. Their tails are long and quite stunning because they hold them even higher off the ground than most pheasants. The Kansas’ erect posture adds to their beauty. Kansas Ringneck Pheasants are the lightest and flightiest birds in North America!

They are explosive flyers, perhaps because of their lighter weight. The median weight of the hen is 1.75 pounds, and the cock is about 2.5 pounds. The Kansas Ringneck is a popular bird for driven and continental shoots.

Please visit our website to learn about ordering this active bird!

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