• Flight Pen

    Preparing Our Barns & Pens Each Spring

    At MacFarlane Pheasant Farm, the arrival of each new season brings with it a fresh set of challenges and opportunities as we prepare our barns and pens for the incoming batches of pheasants. We're committed to keeping things safe, clean, and running smoothly. This post details our carefully crafted process [...]

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  • Photo of Milton Farm

    MacFarlane Pheasants’ Milton Farm is Thriving!

      What does Milton Farm Manager, Lodewyk Davis, have to say about the success of the Milton Farm? He proudly attributes the success to excellent communication between himself and his four co-workers who are at the farm full time and his colleagues at the main farm. The Milton Farm crew [...]

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  • Photo of Milton Barn

    Barn Maintenance at MacFarlane Pheasants’ Milton Farm

    We get asked about bedding for the birds in the brooder barn, as well as for the mature birds, before they go outside. For the brooder barn, where chicks stay for about three weeks, we recommend larger dried pine chips. We've found the chips are best, shavings are too small [...]

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  • Water System

    Clean Water Lines in MacFarlane Pheasants Inc. Barns Are Critical

    Water must be treated (cleaned) to prevent bacteria and algae from growing in the water lines. Both these organisms left untreated in the water lines can lead to clogged lines and sickly birds. We treat the water lines in MacFarlane Pheasants’ barns daily and flush the lines through the entire [...]

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  • Photo of Barn Dimmer

    Helpful Barn Dimmers

    We have been using the PLS-2400 MR4 PTC Light Dimmers from Precision Lighting out of Arkansas since 2015. Before we got these dimmers in our barns, we used residential dimmers and dimmed our lights manually, for the most part. Our newer system does the job with greater ease and effectiveness. [...]

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  • Photo of Beetle

    Oh Yuck, Beetles and Bugs in the Barns!

    Beetles and bugs in the barns are not just yucky. They cause sanitary concerns, as well as affect the health of our birds. The Darkling Beetle, is a vector for salmonella, e-coli, Newcastle disease and other diseases and viruses. Flies are a big pain and are controlled with permethrin spray [...]

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  • Photo of Fan Intake

    Fans and Intakes at MacFarlane Pheasants Keep our Game Birds Cool!

    Our game birds are cool because they are beautiful and healthy!  But, in addition to being cool, we have to keep them cool. One of the ways we keep them comfortable is by using fans and intakes to move and refresh the stagnant air in our barns. This is one of the [...]

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  • Photo of Milton Barn

    Is An Alarm System Needed On Our Farm?

    Is an alarm system needed on our pheasant farm? The answer is yes, if we want to sleep at night! Having consistent temperatures is crucial to the success of raising our chicks. The most important use of an alarm system is to detect temperatures that get outside of our desired range. [...]

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  • Brooder Panel

    6 Feed and Water Procedures to Keep MacFarlane Pheasants Healthy

    Feed and water are the life source for our game birds. Our system for making sure our pheasants and other game birds stay healthy, by receiving proper hydration and nutrition, has 6 main procedures: We check feed and water systems daily, and each time we enter a room or pen [...]

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  • Brooder Barn

    Disinfecting Barns

    We are constantly rotating birds out of barns, and chicks into those barns to then be transitioned to the outdoors. Everything has to be cleaned, washed, dried, disinfected and then sprayed down to prevent bacteria problems. Food pans, as well as food and water delivery systems, are cleaned; heating systems [...]

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  • Photo of Milton Barn

    Best Bedding for Pheasants

    We get asked about bedding for the birds in the brooder barn, as well as for the mature birds, before they go outside. For the brooder barn, where chicks stay for about three weeks, we recommend larger dried pine chips. We've found the chips are best, shavings are too small [...]

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  • Photo of the Production Palace

    Air Flow in Barns

    Air movement in the barns plays an important role in keeping game birds healthy. When the temperature starts to change in the spring and the fall, we have to adjust so the birds can get acclimated enough to go outside without problems. Being able to do this involves getting the [...]

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  • Feed Vac Picture

    Cleaning Out Barns After Pheasants

    After the last bird is out of the barns, we have to clean. It’s important because it makes sure bacteria doesn’t spring up. Here’s how we do it. Once the barn is empty of birds, we take down the jet tube, which connects to the air circulation system. It can [...]

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  • Photo of Pheasant Brooder Barn

    Better Bedding For Pheasant Care

    At MacFarlane Pheasants, we’ve become the largest pheasant producer in North America in part because of our innovation. All of the decisions we make in the care of our birds, from the smallest to the greatest, are because they result in a better, wilder bird. That includes the choices we [...]

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