Raising Hungarian Partridges is Challenging and Exciting!
MacFarlane Pheasants raised Hungarian Partridges from the 1990s through 2024. Here's more detail on how previously imported and raised these birds.We previously purchased eggs from France and hatched them in our hatchery. We generally raised about 50,000 of these beautiful birds each year at MacFarlane Pheasants.The Hungarian Partridge is also known as [...]
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Steps to Raising Hungarian Partridges—It’s Worth the Challenge!
The Hungarian partridge is also known as a gray partridge, an English partridge, or simply called a "Hun". The Hun is a small bird with a short neck and tail and tends to be a little skittish, but quite beautiful. The juvenile Huns are pale brown with some darker streaks. [...]
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Choosing the Right Type of Game Bird
At MacFarlane Pheasants, we want to supply the best game bird possible. Although our ringnecks will always be our “go to” bird, over the years we’ve recognized that hunters – here and in Europe – look for different birds for different hunting experiences. If you’re wondering what kind of birds [...]
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Penning-In the Hungarian Partridge
At MacFarlane Pheasants, we don’t raise the same old pheasants as other farms, and we don’t build all our outdoor pens the same. We used to raise Hungarian partridges and wanted to share how their pens differed from the others on our farm. Hungarian partridges have different requirements than our [...]
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Differences between Hungarian and Chukar Partridges
Hungarian Partridge The Hungarian partridge is more commonly known as a Grey Partridge, familarly called "huns". It can grow up to 28-32 cm long and has a brown back, grey flanks and chest, and many have a white belly with a large chestnut colored horseshoe mark. Huns can lay up [...]
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