• Pheasant Hen in Snow

    How We Winterize at Our Milton Farm

    We are already looking forward to the return of chicks to our MacFarlane Pheasants’ Milton Farm, located in Milton, WI. During the brooding season, we take care of our pheasants in the barns, and as birds move outside, we spend our time caring for them in the pens. Before we know [...]

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  • Pheasants in Winter

    WI Storms and MacFarlane Pheasants

    We have had lots of snow and cold weather during the first month of 2024! We plan in advance for these occurrences and thought you might like to know the process we use to keep up with a typical Wisconsin winter at MacFarlane Pheasants. In Preparation for a Storm: All [...]

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  • Feed Vac Picture

    Timing and Upkeep in Flight Pens

     Raising pheasants and other wild birds requires considerable timing and upkeep. The flight pens, where our birds live and grow to maturity, are an essential resource to the lives of our birds, so we pre-plan our upkeep. Each step we take is to benefit them. Fall Tilling The benefit of [...]

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  • MacFarlane Pheasants Inc. Semi Truck

    Truck and Trailer Maintenance Is a High Priority Job

    We have a three-person staff performing the maintenance of our delivery trucks, led by our Maintenance Manager, Don Janes.  Keagan Strange manages the drivers and schedules vehicles for deliveries. He also handles the licensing and compliance. These important jobs keep our trucks and trailers in tip-top shape, our drivers informed, and [...]

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  • Photo of Milton Barn

    Barn Maintenance at MacFarlane Pheasants’ Milton Farm

    We get asked about bedding for the birds in the brooder barn, as well as for the mature birds, before they go outside. For the brooder barn, where chicks stay for about three weeks, we recommend larger dried pine chips. We've found the chips are best, shavings are too small [...]

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