Preparing Our Barns & Pens Each Spring
At MacFarlane Pheasant Farm, the arrival of each new season brings with it a fresh set of challenges and opportunities as we prepare our barns and pens for the incoming batches of pheasants. We're committed to keeping things safe, clean, and running smoothly. This post details our carefully crafted process [...]
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Our Milton Farm in 2024!
Since starting the Milton Farm, located in Milton, Wisconsin, we have had great success. Brett Hammon, our farm manager, has provided us with an update for January 2024! MacFarlane Pheasants has been blessed with employees who work hard, communicate well, and demonstrate the skills necessary to raise our beautiful pheasants. [...]
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MacFarlane Pheasants Raises French Red-Legged Partridges
French Red-legged partridges have been a popular choice for game hunters in the UK for many years. We have sold them for approximately 14 years at MacFarlane Pheasants. Hunting clubs across the United States appreciate having these interesting and high-flying partridges available for release because they add a real challenge [...]
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Gamebird Industry Risks
The gamebird industry is changing in significant ways due to the many risks that are involved in raising birds. The economy, weather and the Avian Influenza outbreaks that have happened throughout the world In the past five years have impacted the gamebird industry in many ways. Gamebird producers have witnessed [...]
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Red-Legged Partridges Are Popular Game Birds and We Raise Them
The History of Our Red-Legged Partridges We started raising Red-Legged Partridges in 2009. Our owner Bill MacFarlane had a customer request for these partridges and that started the ball rolling. Since the Red-Legged Partridge has been raised at game farms in France and Italy for centuries, we began exploring how [...]
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What Is The Process For Getting Our Mature Pheasants Shipped From MacFarlane Pheasants?
The plan for shipping our mature pheasants from MacFarlane Pheasants begins with our customers confirming their yearly bird numbers in the spring! Our mature sales' staff begins working diligently to give our customers an idea of the delivery schedule that matches the time they want to have their birds delivered. [...]
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What is the Story Behind Mature Bird Sales at MacFarlane Pheasants?
During the 2022-2023 Mature Bird Season at MacFarlane Pheasants, you can still get on a waiting list if you would like to get pheasants or chukars, but at this time, we are sold out. Our customers are ordering more birds every year, so it is vital to learn about the [...]
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The Importance of Peepers on a Game Farm
MacFarlane Pheasants raises and sells approximately 500,000 exceptionally beautiful mature pheasants each year. Pheasants are naturally beautiful birds but can also be aggressive toward each other. Before our pheasants are placed in flight pens to grow to maturity, we spend time putting peepers on each and every one of them. [...]
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Raising Hungarian Partridges is Challenging and Exciting!
MacFarlane Pheasants raised Hungarian Partridges from the 1990s through 2024. Here's more detail on how previously imported and raised these birds.We previously purchased eggs from France and hatched them in our hatchery. We generally raised about 50,000 of these beautiful birds each year at MacFarlane Pheasants.The Hungarian Partridge is also known as [...]
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The Kansas Ringneck Pheasants Are Growing Strong at MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc.
The Kansas Ringneck breed, raised at MacFarlane Pheasants, is more popular each year. MacFarlane Pheasants increased the production of this beautiful bird by 30,000 birds in 2020. This year we are raising around 70,000 of these lightweight and flighty birds. We raise Kansas in separate pens so the catching crew [...]
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Do Ring-Necked Pheasant Tail Feathers Regrow?
Ring-Necked Pheasants are certainly a beautiful species. They are one of the most popular breeds for stocking a wildlife area or hunting preserve. They mature at about 22 weeks. Mature Ring-Necked Pheasants are very hardy and known for their flying abilities, color, and beautiful tail feathers. Occasionally a Ring-Necked pheasant [...]
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Peepers Protect Pheasants!
Raising pheasants has some situations where the pheasants need to be protected from themselves. One of the things that pheasants will do is pick at each other. They will pull out the tail feathers of other pheasants and grab onto their skin with their sharp beaks causing serious injuries. Those [...]
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Red Legged Partridges Are A Beautiful and Exciting Choice for Game Bird Farms
Game Bird Farms fall in love with the French Red-legged Partridges because they are beautiful, exciting, and easily acclimate to their surroundings. French Red-legs have light brown backs, gray breasts, buff bellies, and of course, red legs. The Red-Legs are a hearty bird with a low mortality rate and when [...]
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Royd Hatt’s Ornamental Pheasants Are A Big Hit MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc. 2018 Seminar
Hatt Ranch, founded in 1976, is owned and operated by Royd Hatt. It is located in Green River, Utah, surrounded by 100-foot bluffs and on the edge of the San Rafael desert. Birds are kept in a natural state on the property-wild and free roaming. Hunting at Hatt’s Ranch is [...]
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Manchurian Cross Pheasants Are Popular in Utah
It has been more than a quarter of a century since MacFarlane Pheasants first imported Manchurian pheasant eggs into the United States from China. We imported 1260 eggs and went through a rigorous process to get these eggs back to our farm. When we finally did, we ended up with 400 chicks [...]
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10 Steps to Prepare for a Delivery of Mature Game Birds
Hopefully you are nearly prepared for your upcoming delivery of game birds from MacFarlane Pheasants. If you want to be sure you are fully prepared, I would recommend a complete reading of our guide “Setup and Care for a Delivery of Adult Birds Manual.” This manual is free and located on [...]
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Reasons Why Buyers Prefer MacFarlane Pheasants
The number one trait buyers look for in a pen raised bird is performance like a bird naturally found in the wild. We have literally used a lifetime of experience to raise all of our pheasants with the attributes of a perfect wild pheasant. Our birds are uniform in size [...]
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Wing Banding-Why and How We Do It
Wing Banding is one of the many jobs done by our research crew. We wing band our pedigree birds to keep track of who their parents/grandparents are, weights, egg production and even the exact location of the bird. Identifying our pedigree birds is done so that we have a continuous [...]
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Free Flight Pen Construction Manual
Our managers and employees at MacFarlane Pheasants are highly trained and experienced with all facets of pheasants care. They all contribute information, used by our customers, to care for game birds they purchase for their own game bird operations. This information comes to you in the form of manuals and [...]
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The Mature Game Bird Season is A Continuous Cycle
We begin shipping mature game bird at the end of July and finish up in early April, but the process for making sure you get a delivery begins much sooner! If you want to make sure you get the number of pheasants (all breeds), French partridges or Hungarian partridges you [...]
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