Donald MacFarlane’s Impact & Meeting with Eleanor Roosevelt

Published On: December 20, 2024Categories: History

At MacFarlane Pheasants, we proudly honor the legacy of our founder, Donald MacFarlane. His determination, hard work, and commitment to family and community continue to inspire us every day. Recently, we came across a journal entry from Eleanor Roosevelt, written after meeting Donald, which reminded us of the incredible strength and perseverance he demonstrated throughout his life.

Meeting Eleanor

Kenneth MacFarlane, Donald’s eldest son, recalls how excited his parents were at the time. Donald and his wife, Genevieve, were both thrilled by the honor of meeting Eleanor Roosevelt. Genevieve, a strong community leader in her own right, served as president of the Women’s Club for several years, helping to support many local causes. 

In February 1955, Donald had the distinct honor of meeting Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor, known for her advocacy for women’s rights and social causes, was deeply impressed by Donald’s story. Despite being paralyzed from the waist down by polio, Donald had built a successful pheasant farm, shipping stock all over the country.

Eleanor wrote in her journal:

“I sat next to a remarkable man at the club dinner who had had a pretty tough case of polio, but he manages to get around quite well and he told me he ran a successful pheasant farm and shipped stock all over the country. He does not sell his stock for eating but only for breeding and he told me that last year 1,000 chicks had gone to Cuba without the loss of a single one, which is an astounding record.
I wish I had had time to go and see his farm. He said he might never have made a success of it except for his illness, which forced him to stay indoors and write letters to take care of that end of the business, so he had built up a really good clientele. I was reminded of Dale Carnegie’s column in one of the Sunday news magazines in which he urged people to count their blessings.”

The Roosevelt’s Legacy

Eleanor Roosevelt’s life was marked by her efforts to champion social causes, including women’s suffrage and equal rights. She traveled extensively across the country, often filling roles for her husband, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was paralyzed from polio.

Bill MacFarlane, who has highly respects Eleanor Roosevelt, reflected, “To hear that Eleanor Roosevelt, sat next to my dad and said he was a ‘good guy’ is such an honor.”

FDR’s own battle with polio inspired his work in Warm Springs, Georgia, where many polio victims sought treatment. It was there that FDR found solace and recovery, and his efforts led to the establishment of a facility that helped countless individuals like Donald.

Donald, who also suffered from polio, made multiple trips to Warm Springs for treatment and rehabilitation. His visits were not only a source of support for his physical challenges but also an opportunity to strengthen his resolve to overcome them.

Donald was given new aluminum crutches that provided better support for his arms, and he followed an exercise plan that helped him maintain mobility and independence. Kenneth fondly remembers joining his father on a trip to Warm Springs in 1954, an experience that deepened their bond and gave Donald the tools he needed to continue thriving.

Determination & Building a Legacy

Despite the physical challenges he faced, Donald MacFarlane’s determination to succeed never wavered. He turned his personal adversity into an opportunity to thrive, building a successful pheasant farm.

Beyond his business, Donald was also deeply involved in his community. He co-founded the Janesville chapter of the NAACP with John Scott, showing his commitment to equality and justice. He also served on the board of Habitat for Humanity for many years and left property to the cause upon his passing. His legacy of giving back to the community continues to influence us today through our community involvement.

At MacFarlane Pheasants, we are honored to carry forward the legacy of determination that Donald MacFarlane left behind. We are proud to honor his memory and continue the work he began.

A Trip to Spain
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