Extreme Heat Requires Extra Precautions

Published On: May 31, 2018Categories: Breeders, Farm Management

Troy Cisewski, MacFarlane Pheasants’ Production Manager, takes extra precautions when the weather becomes extremely hot. The 90+ degree weather this past week has resulted in some changes to his crew’s daily activities. Breeder hens lose their interest in eating when it gets too hot and if they don’t eat and drink it can reduce their egg production. It is also very stressful to move young birds from the barns to the pens when the temps are extreme. Stress is a serious problem for pheasants. Most importantly, it can lead to higher mortality rates in our birds. The extra precautions are critical to the health of our birds and typical in every department at MacFarlane Pheasants.

Steps We Take to Reduce Stress in Breeder Hens 

•   Extra water pans are provided when temps rise above 85 degrees.

•   Change start time for crew members to 5:30 a.m.

•   Move birds early in the morning while temps are still cool.

•   Continuously evaluate the health of birds throughout the day.

We appreciate the extra effort made by our crew members to protect our birds. Let’s hope the summer brings more moderate temperatures. Our crews and all of the birds on our farm will appreciate it!

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