North American Gamebird Association Conference 2022 at Bally’s, Las Vegas, Nevada

Published On: March 1, 2022Categories: Avian Flu, Brooders, NAGA

The North American Gamebird Association (NAGA) Conference at Bally’s in Las Vegas, Nevada was a special treat for attendees. Last year’s event was cancelled because of the Covid Pandemic so everyone was excited to meet up with other gamebird producers and hunting preserve operators to network and learn all the latest information about the businesses they care so much about.  Chris Theisen, Sarah Pope, Bill MacFarlane, and Shayne Noller from MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc. attended the conference January 31-February 2, 2022.

A special event took place at his year’s NAGA conference. Bill MacFarlane was presented with NAGA’s Life Time Achievement Award. Bill has worked in the gamebird business since he was a boy, when his father owned MacFarlane Pheasants. He left the farm to earn a degree in Economics and returned to MacFarlane Pheasants in 1979. That’s a lot of years in the business and we’re proud of NAGA’s recognition.

But, that wasn’t the only special event at the NAGA Convention 2022. Sarah Pope, Director of Operations at MacFarlane Pheasants Inc., who had planned the 2022 event in Las Vegas, was elected to be the next Second Vice-President of NAGA. Sarah shares the mission of incoming NAGA President, Peg Ballou. Peg’s mission for the coming year is to increase membership in the association. Sarah encourages anyone who would like help joining NAGA and attending next year’s conference in New Orleans, LA Feb 6-8, 2023 to email her at

Chris Theisen and Shayne Noller shared their thoughts about some of the sessions they attended at our 2022 NAGA Conference. We hope their comments inspire you to check out NAGA membership and future conferences.

Chris Theisen, Director of Logistics at MacFarlane Pheasants, shared his thoughts about the 2022 NAGA Conference.

Dr. Josh Dienes gave an exciting talk on pheasant egg incubation.  He had some ideas about sensors that look like eggs to track the temps as the egg moves throughout the system.

Abby Neu Schuft, from the University of Minnesota, talked about the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) requirements for birds.  She also gave an update on the status of Avian Influenza in the country.

A retired U.S. Marine Vet, Andrew McCune, explained how pheasant hunting saved his life. His story was fascinating and moving.

Social hours and hospitality suites offered a great way to network. A great deal of learning takes place in these settings, and I appreciate the time to talk to others in the gamebird business.

There was also free time which allowed us to get out and see Las Vegas.

Shayne Noller, Director of Food Products at MacFarlane Pheasants, had lots to say about this year’s NAGA Conference.

The NAGA convention covers a broad range of topics regarding the gamebird industry.

This year I enjoyed topics on peeping pheasants, flight pen cover, and the humane treatment of animals. Some of the issues were addressed by a panel of individuals. Three different people from three different parts of the country presented the peeping and the flight pen cover topics. It was fun to see how other farms have different methods for completing the same task. It was also interesting to see how varied the pen cover was for each farm because of the topography and climate.

The industry professionals and sales reps gave presentations on products and strategies. This year’s topics ranged from rodent control to brooder barn technology. The speakers shared new and evolving products that aid in all aspects of raising birds. Some products were directly for the birds, such as new vitamins and feed formulations. Other products were for the farm and included rat bait and traps.

The scholars (researchers and university setting doctors) presented topics that currently impact bird rearing. This year’s topics were disease management, avian influenza, and veterinary importance.

The NAGA convention is an excellent opportunity for newcomers and industry vets to learn new information and advance the gamebird business. It is also an opportunity for gamebird professionals to share their triumphs and struggles and to support the industry as a whole.

All of us at MacFarlane Pheasant’s hope you will join us in New Orleans for the 2023 NAGA Conference.

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