The Mature Game Bird Season is A Continuous Cycle

Published On: December 29, 2016Categories: Mature Birds

We begin shipping mature game bird at the end of July and finish up in early April, but the process for making sure you get a delivery begins much sooner! If you want to make sure you get the number of pheasants (all breeds), French partridges or Hungarian partridges you want for next year, it is not too early to begin planning.

We recommend a spring order for the fall mature season in order to ensure that you get the number of birds and the breeds you want. We get orders from private property owners, hunting preserves, those who want to release into the wild to repopulate or those who want to resell our game birds.  Here is how the process works on our end.

  1. The customer calls and/or emails us looking for a quote in the spring.
  2. We quote the customer and send it back via mail or email.
  3. The customer then calls us back to confirm their order.
  4. Once it gets closer to the mature season the customer calls to confirm a delivery date.
  5. We put the delivery date on the out-delivery sheet with the customer’s order.
  6. The logistics coordinator then schedules a truck and driver(s) for the delivery.
  7. About one week before the delivery, we get all the paperwork ready (invoice, health certificates, delivery report, and directions).
  8. We call the customers a couple days in advance to confirm the delivery time and date.
  9. We get a clipboard ready for our driver and clear directions about where to go and what to do.
  10. The driver meets with office staff the day the truck is scheduled to do a pre-trip checklist.
  11. The truck is checked out before and after each trip to ensure that it is in order and the game bird order is correct.
  12. When the driver is an hour and a half away, the customer is called with the estimated time of arrival.
  13. The drivers arrive and offload the truck.

We look forward to hearing from you this spring. April Goble at would be glad to help you plan for your needs in 2017. Just give us a call at 608-757-7881 for details.

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