Breeder Farm
At the hatchery, the eggs are carefully placed into the incubators, where they will remain for approximately 21 days. During this time, the temperature and humidity levels are closely monitored to ensure optimal conditions for embryo development. The eggs are automatically turned every half hour, which helps to imitate the way a hen would turn the eggs in the wild. This process is essential to ensure that the embryo develops properly, and that the chick is able to break through the shell when it is ready to hatch.
Once the eggs have hatched, the chicks are left to dry before they are transferred to the brooder room. The brooder room is equipped with heaters, feeders, and drinkers to provide the chicks with everything they need to thrive. The chicks are carefully monitored during this time to ensure that they are healthy and growing as they should.
After a few weeks in the brooder room, the chicks are ready to be moved to the grow-out facility, where they will spend the rest of their lives until they are ready to be processed. At the grow-out facility, the birds are given ample space to move around and access to plenty of food and water. They are also closely monitored to ensure that they are healthy and growing as they should. Once they reach the desired size and weight, they are processed and shipped to customers around the world.
Over the Breeder Farm
Our breeder facility is located off premises only 1 mile from the main office.
Pheasant Eggs
Eggs are collected in the pens four to five times daily using plastic egg flats and carriers.
Collecting Eggs
Freshly collected eggs are carefully placed into one end of the machine. Before they leave the machine, they will have traveled through gentle jet streams of purified water, special disinfectant, a blow dryer, and into a temperature controlled room.
Washing Eggs
As the eggs are gently washed by jet streams of purified water, soft brushes gently remove any dirt that may have collected on them in the pens. The water must be the perfect temperature. Too cold and it can be absorbed into the eggs along with bacteria. Too hot and the shell quality could be damaged.
Sanitizing Eggs
Eggs are transferred from the incubators to the hatchers at about 20 days of age. Each hatcher has six dollies with 13 trays. These hatchers hold around 20,000 + eggs. The correct temperature and humidity are monitored closely manually and by alarm units.
Eggs Placed Into Cases
The eggs are placed in clean, sanitized, plastic flats. Some easy to find cull eggs are taken out and the rest are then placed into a carrying case that will be placed in a cooler.
Eggs in the Cooler
The eggs carrying cases are placed into a cooler where they will wait for transportation to the hatchery which is about a mile away. The eggs will be trayed and set into incubators there.
See Virtual Tours
Breeder Farm | Brooding Facilities | Hatchery | Meet The Owner | Noss Farm | Pheasant Pens | River Road Farm