MacFarlane Pheasants’ Birds
MacFarlane Pheasants currently carries six different types of pheasants that vary in terms of their size, color, other characteristics, and purposes.
The six types are: Manchurian/Ringneck Cross, Melanistic Mutant, Chukar/Redleg, Chinese Ringneck, Kansas Ringneck, and Extra Large Ringneck.
From best runners to the strongest fliers, learn more about our options and let us help you determine which one is best for your location, purpose, and circumstances.
Manchurian/Ringneck Cross
An excellent flight bird, the Manchurian/Ringneck Cross is similar, though slightly larger in size and weight to Chinese Ringnecks. The mature Manchurian Cross cock weighs approximately 3.25 lbs. and the hen weighs 2.5 lbs on average. They are a cross between our Chinese Ringneck and the pure Manchurian Ringneck which we imported, as eggs, from China in 1989. MacFarlane Pheasants is the only farm to have imported pure Manchurian eggs and have the pure Manchurian bloodline. Pure Manchurian pheasants are well-known for their wildness and the Manchurian cocks have a small distinctive white feather on the sides of their heads near the ear. We found that crossing the Pure Manchurian with the Chinese Ringneck produced a very hardy and vigorous bird that is great for hunting.

Melanistic Mutant
A pure breed, these large, beautiful pheasants feature an iridescent, greenish-black plumage. A favorite variety for release, they display a remarkable ability to survive and reproduce in the wild. Like the Manchurian/Ringneck Cross pheasant, the weight of the mature Melanistic Mutant cock is 3.5 lbs. and 2.5 lbs. for the hens.

The Chukar/Redleg Partridges are small flighty birds, known for their ability to fly and their zebra like stripes on the wings. These birds are a favorite addition to gamebird hunts; they hold well in cover and get up and go when flushed. The Chukar/Redleg is a cross between the Chukar Partridge and the French Redleg Partridge. This mix results in the Chukar/Redleg being slightly smaller and wilder than a regular Chukar Partridge.

Chinese Ringneck
The most popular of breeds, our Chinese Ringneck Pheasant is used primarily for stocking and hunting. The weight of our Ringnecks at maturity (22 weeks) is 2.7-3 lbs. for the cocks and 1.7-2.2 lbs. for the hens. These hardy birds adapt readily to the wild and are prized by sportsmen for their excellent flying ability and brilliant colors. For years our Ringnecks were primarily blue backed pheasants with yellow flanks. We are transitioning our Ringnecks to have more green (along with the blue) on their backs and to have deep yellow to orange flanks.

Kansas Ringneck
Often viewed as the most beautiful species of pheasant by many in the industry, the Kansas Ringneck is one of the lightest and flightiest pheasants on the continent. The median weight of the hen is 1.75 lbs. while the cock registers around 2.5 lbs. In addition to great looks, the Kansas Ringneck Pheasant is an explosive flyer that is great for driven shoots as well as continental shoots. They are also a nice field hunting bird and used on many hunting preserves with great success If you are looking for a great all-around performer with long tails and beautiful looks, this may be the bird you should consider.

Extra Large Ringneck
The largest pheasant breed offered by MacFarlane Pheasants is the Extra Large Ringneck. This breed is primarily Mongolian blood and is a challenging bird for dogs to get into flight as it tends to be a good runner. The cock typically weighs between 3.5-4 lbs. and hens 2.5-3 lbs. at maturity. This bird is often used by clubs and growers for meat production. It’s recommended that you get your orders in early to ensure you’ll be able to secure your desired hatch dates for the Extra Large Ringneck.